. Search Engine Marketing
This is a form of online marketing that focuses on the improvement of website visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs) through paid advertisements; for example, Google Ads.
It includes strategies like pay-per-click (PPC) advertising, keyword bidding, and ad targeting.
2. Scanning Electron Microscope
This is a kind of microscope that uses a focused beam of electrons to generate highly detailed images of the surface of a sample.
It has been used in various areas like science and engineering through the use of materials analysis and nanotechnology and also biology research.
3. Structural Equation Modeling
A statistical modeling that is applied in various areas in social sciences, the behavioral sciences, and also marketing. It uses numerous regression analysis and factor analysis for the testing of hypotheses.
4. Other Uses
Standard Error of the Mean: Measures that describe the accuracy or error of a sample mean to approximate the population mean.
Society for Experimental Mechanics: A professional organization in the field of experimental mechanics.
Surface Energy Management: Refers to energy-related concepts in physics or engineerin